Categories: Seal of Excellence Recipients, YA Fantasy, Young Adult
Tags: Allegorical, explorers, fantasy, Fantasy Adventure, Fountain of Youth, Gems and Gold, magic, Mystical Mountain, pirates, young adult
Series: Mystical Mountain Magic
Author: Guy Brooke
An infant girl is rescued and raised by giant eagles and is commissioned by a living volcano to restore Hope back into the world before the Deceiver can assassinate her. Set in early North America, evil fell from the stars and exploded against the mountain. Enticed by this three-legged master musician – the Deceiver – treasure seekers from all over the world come to this unspoiled country in search of their lust’s desire. As they create mayhem on this continent, an infant girl – Mariah – is rescued and raised by giant eagles that nest high on the cliffs of Elysium where she is commissioned by the mountain to restore Hope to a world without hope and save mankind from its disastrous effects before the Deceiver can assassinate her.
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