In the Shadows of Castles

In the Shadows of Castles
Title: In the Shadows of Castles
Published: June 15, 2022
Author's Twitter: @GlynnHolloway
It's the 1060s, and William of Normandy is establishing a new and brutal regime in England, but there are those who would defy him. As Norman soldiers spread like a plague across the land, resistance builds, but will it be enough to topple William and restore the rightful king to his throne? The English have the courage to fight, but the Normans, already victorious at Hastings, now build castles seeking to secure their tenuous foothold in these lands. And what of the people caught up in these catastrophic events? Dispossessed but not defeated, their lives ripped apart, the English struggle for freedom from tyranny; amongst them, caught up in the turmoil, are a soldier, a thane and two sisters. As events unfold, their destinies become intertwined, bringing drastic changes that alter their lives forever. Firmly embedded in the history of the Conquest, 'In the Shadows of Castles' is ultimately a story of love, hope and survival in a time of war.

Assessed for Awesome Indies Book Awards

16 June 2024

Books in this series:
1066: What Fates Impose
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