Other organisations that evaluate independent publications.
All the novels that are featured on Ascribe carry a recommendation from either a traditionally published author, a literary agent, a literary consultant or a professional editor working primarily with fiction. In short, you won’t find a novel here unless it’s been quoted on by somebody who has earned at least part of their living out of the established fiction trade. This is a paid listing
www.bragmedallion.com. – Once a book meets their standard of quality, they award it their B.R.A.G. Medallion™,
The indiePENdents
Well written, well edited, unknown books. Independent authors can submit their self-published titles for review and possible award of a Seal of Good Writing. Teams of professional reviewers judge the PDF and print or Kindle versions against our set of standards, published on our website at www.indiePENdents.org. Also on the website, are free membership sign-in and book submission forms, as well as listings of members, their books, and the titles receiving the Seal. Authors do not pay for evaluation.
Underground Book Reviews
Underground Book Reviews Certification and Awards. Underground Book Reviews aims to erase the boundaries between traditional and non-traditional publishing by highlighting quality independent literature. All books go through an initial evaluation process, and at least two gatekeepers read every pitch that comes our way. Our review process highlights independent and self-published manuscripts of all genres, and our Novel of the Year is read by a minimum of one reviewer and three judges. We are also a growing community of authors, editors, cover designers and other industry freelancers; a place for literary professionals to connect with each other. Authors do not pay for evaluation.