Title: The Battle for Brisingamen
Tags: Action, Adventure, Drama, Dwarves, Elves, fantasy, Fiction, Legend, magic, Mythology, Nordic, North Sea Published: 10 Jan. 2014
Short link: http://j.mp/AwesIndBk029
There is a World not too Far Away … Beneath the north sea a land of magic lies undetected. The lives of many are drawn inexorably closer together in a race against time, as both energy companies and evil beings attempt to destroy the magic which is protecting not just this land but all worlds. The unwitting protagonists have no idea of how suddenly and irrevocably their lives are about to change. It is a race against time to try and recover the lost necklace, Brisingamen, which holds the ancient power of the Goddess Freya, and to prevent the undersea drilling from taking place. Are Aart, Matthias, Gemma and Dirck up to the challenges they now must face? Here there be Dragons, and all manner of Creatures …