Award: Awesome Indies: APPROVED
Categories: Historical, Political
Tag: British & Irish
Series: Women of Courage
Publisher: White Owl Publications Ltd
Author: Tim Vicary
Ireland in 1919 is seething with violence, tension and divided loyalties - and so is the heart of the beautiful, wilful heiress Catherine O'Connell-Gort. For Catherine, by heritage, is a glittering symbol of British rule and oppression - yet by inclination she is a traitor to her class. A fervent supporter of Sinn Fein, she is also the secret lover of Sean Brennan, an IRA volunteer who is being hunted by the police for terrorism and murder. When the British government decides to meet terror with terror, Catherine finds herself in a position of even greater conflict. Her father, a colonel in British Military Intelligence, recruits Major Andrew Butler, battle-scarred war hero and Irish landlord, to assassinate IRA leader Michael Collins. He also decides that the dashing major would make the perfect husband for his headstrong daughter ... In a violent climax of passion, guilt and betrayal, while her country hurtles towards civil war, Catherine faces an agonising choice as she makes her final, fateful decision.