Caity Jones has given up on men after a long relationship ends. She moves to a small town outside Melbourne and buys herself a 5-acre property with the intention of becoming a writer. What she doesn’t expect is to meet a man she can’t resist. Caity Jones wasted a lot of years waiting for the “two kids, a dog and a white picket fence” dream to come true, but she’s ready to move on now. Letting go of society’s idea of the perfect life, she’s purchased a five-acre property in the small rural town of Willows. She’s determined to live a solitary life and become a writer. And that means staying away from men altogether. Tom Murray owns and runs the local feed store in Willows. His marriage was a failure but his family is strong, and he can’t imagine a world that didn’t include his three young children. He’s an uncomplicated man, living an uncomplicated life – and he has every intention of keeping it that way. Both are mature… both have baggage… and both have agendas that don’t include romance.