Orna Ross

Blue Mercy

Blue Mercy: An Irish Family Drama
Title: Blue Mercy: An Irish Family Drama
Published: December 13, 2013
When Mercy Mulcahy was 40 years old, she was accused of killing her elderly and tyrannical father. Now, at the end of her life, she has written a book about what really happened on that fateful night of Christmas Eve, 1989. The tragic and beautiful Mercy has devoted her life to protecting Star, especially from the father whose behavior so blighted her own life. Yet Star vehemently resists reading her manuscript. Why? What is Mercy hiding? Was her father's death, as many believe, an assisted suicide?

Assessed for Awesome Indies Book Awards

After The Rising: An Irish Family Saga

After The Rising: An Irish Family Saga
Title: After The Rising: An Irish Family Saga
Published: December 16, 2011
Twenty years ago, Jo Devereux fled Mucknamore, the small Irish village where she grew up, driven away by buried secrets and hatreds, swearing never to return Now she his back and wants to uncover the truth about what really went on between her family and their friends, the O’Donovans, during the Ireland’s bitter Civil War… The consequences of that bitter division in the 1920s carried down into Jo’s own life, shattering her relationship with Rory O’Donovan, the only man she ever loved, and driving her to leave Ireland, swearing she’d never return. Now, Jo’s estranged mother has died, leaving her a suitcase full of letters and diaries that seem answer some questions about the past.

Assessed for